Not much remains of my old art portfolio, but my painstaking portrait of Bob Marley still stands, and stands at home and a reminder of what one can do with a simple black biro on
card. This was from around 1993 although the actual drawing was bigger, but my mother decided to cut out about a third to fit in the frame - without telling me. But the frame is nice!
Some drawings in the last few years were from the Victoria and Albert Museum - a great place to sketch alongside some seriously talented people. I felt quite the amateur.
More latterly, in fact in 2023, I was asked by someone to do a couple of colour drawings and perhaps a bit too 'racy' for this section; but we have Roman torsos, and now legs, so why not? The colour was a real challenge considering I hadn't attempted anything like this for nearly 25 years and there are about 20 layers to achieve the result.